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Numbering duplicate values fulfilling two conditions


New Member
Dear community

I'm looking for a way to number an item in a way that corresponds to associated conditions. In the example below I would like to achieve that the item "a" (id 1 visit 3, rows 4 and 5) becomes a1 and a2, and the same (a1 and a2) corresponding to id 2, visit 4 (rows 12 and 13).

id visit item

1 1 a

1 2 a

1 3 a

1 3 a

1 3 b

1 4 a

1 5 a

2 1 a

2 2 a

2 3 a

2 4 a

2 4 a

2 4 b

2 5 a

2 6 a

I imagine a formula is required with COUNTIF(E$2:E...,E...) but I'm not sure how to start counting by id and visit.

Many thanks in advance,
I believe this is what you are looking for:

Hi ,

I think you are right ; you can try these as alternatives :


