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Number consolidation


New Member
Good day, I work in Excel 2010.

I have a "tab" with budget figures on it, it is called "Budget". From it I did a Pivot table to extract values per account number. The "tab" is called "BudgetPivot". I also have a "tab" called "actual". From it I did a Pivot table to extract values per account number. The "tab" is called "ActualPivot". Here is what I need:

I have different "tabs" for Staff, Stationary etc. Each of these are made up out of a number of account numbers(7101,7105, etc) found in the above mentioned "tabs". I need to do a search of these pivots for the account numbers to populate the new tabs with the budget amount as well as the actual amount if any is found, or "0" if none.

The "BudgetPivot" and the "ActualPivot" are the same. Column A = Account number, e.g. 7101. Column B = The total value as extracted, e.g. 170 000.

The "Staff" tab is as follows: Column A = account numbers, Column D = Budget Column E = Actuals.
Hi Wimpie,

Welcome to the Chandoo's forum, although you have explained the problem but it will be of real help if you upload a sample file. Just upload it on website with free file hosting service and paste its link here so that any one can reach it!

