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Not able to replace the space in the Excel cell using FIND AND REPLACE

Adarsh S

Hi, I have copied some data from a *.TXT file and pasted it to excel file. Then I split the data in the cell using TEXT TO COLUMNS. In one particular column there is space in each cell. If I apply some formula it is showing #value!.

The space can be removed manually by removing in each cell. But cannot be removed using FIND AND REPLACE for the whole column.

I have attached the excel for your reference.

My question is how to remove this space and continue with my calculation?


  • Query.xlsx
    412.7 KB · Views: 11
or use Clean(B3)/60, using can kill most of the hidden hardcore machine code where Trim() cannot remove off, or SUBSTITUTE(B3,CHAR(32),"")/60 or SUBSTITUTE(B3,CHAR(160),"")/60

NUMBERVALUE(B3)/60 is not available in earliest Excel version ?

Thank you !
Thank you very much Sir for the details. I was not aware about the functions in the updated version. I tried the other functions, it is working good.