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new dash board


Hi Asheesh,

thanks once again .

I like your dashboard and I convert the same for other project .where I need your help .

my exmp file enclosed.

is is possible to change in 2nd chart and chose option




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    47.1 KB · Views: 18
Hi Anu..Appreciate if you could explain your requirement in detail...
hi ashessh,

I need in choose your product below 3 option req
Total Count Chart
I Count
IC Count Chart

When we select the branch


  • exmp file.xlsx
    59.8 KB · Views: 18
Hi Anu - Shall get back to you one this....I need some time to understand the data at first place....
Anu -

Need some clarification -

N, A, B, C in column A(Branch) are the branches right?

Then what is the header "B" in cell C1, "C" in cell D1..I mean what is the difference between "B" & "C" in branch column & headers

Next in Column E i.e. "Total" - sum of column C i.e."B" and column D i.e. "C" doesnt match with total in Column E..in all the cases there is a difference of 100000..why is that?

Next what does the headers from "F1:I1" signify..
Yes N,A,B,C Are Branches

B" in cell C1, is Black Count "C" in cell D1 Color Count

Yes Sorry it`s Copy \Paste mistake in total (B+C ).

F : I are Products..
I --1 product
IC --2 Product
IC -Color

Anu - somehow, I am not comfortable the way you are representing data in the current charts...and the way data is being managed in this workbook...Here I see, you are trying to use one of the dashboards..that I designed earlier..but remember - requirement there was absolutely different..

It would be of great help - If you explain your final requirement then I shall guide you accordingly..

One more question - I, IC, IC - Blk & IC - Color, these are all products..?
hi ,

in my data column A All are Branch and rest headers are Products.

now I need when I select Any Branch two charts appears one is over snap shots where shows All product YTD sum and Avg .
And in Send Option according to Product selection

product category Are;-

1--Total Count(column C,D & E ) data .

2 I Coint Trend (column F )data

3. Ic Count trend (Column G ,H & I ) data .

Hi Anu - Please check...

Please do the basic formatting and stuff...as you deem fit..


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    45.7 KB · Views: 51