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Need to Hide the Active sheet



I am using the below mentioned code to call a dataform, I do not want the datasheet to be shown when this is done, please help.

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()

Worksheets("Main Data Sheet").Activate
Worksheets("Main Data Sheet").Range("A2").Select
ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Name = "Database"


End Sub
Try this code
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
    Application.Goto Worksheets("Main Data Sheet").Range("A2")
    ActiveCell.Value = "Database"
End Sub
Is this what you mean?
See attached.
Further you should learn to have a good look at the code you are using.
For example you have ActiveCell.Activate
What does ActiveCell means, yes it is active, so there in no need to activate.
Second, you should avoid Select and Activate, it slows down code big time and it is almost never necessary.


  • dataform.xlsb
    19 KB · Views: 4
Is this what you mean?
See attached.
Further you should learn to have a good look at the code you are using.
For example you have ActiveCell.Activate
What does ActiveCell means, yes it is active, so there in no need to activate.
Second, you should avoid Select and Activate, it slows down code big time and it is almost never necessary.

Belleke - Thanks, that's what I needed, I wanted to hide the "Main data Sheet", which I tested on your sheet and it works well

Again thanks, i got carried away with the code....