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need to freez column on each monday if it has previous dates

Hi Sadhana,

Your request is not clear (at least) to me.

Please explain the layout you have and the kind of data. Which columns are to be checked for freezing or all columns.

If you feel describing is difficult, try uploading a sample.
Hi shrivallabha,

I have a sheet with dates as colum heads. Each day is a column. Now I want to lock the columns which has previous date. for example if I open the sheet today yesterday's column should be locked for editing.

I hope it is clear now.. if not please let me know.

Thanks you,



Please check this code while i use this

Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Const PW As String = "secret"

Dim rBookings As Range

Dim cl As Range

Dim mArea As Range

With Sheets("Shet1")

.Unprotect PW

'if no cells have entries in the range the code will error

'the exit handler skips to the point where the password is reset

On Error GoTo exithandler

Set rBookings = .Range(.Cells(7, 4), .Cells(20000, 10)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)

MsgBox rBookings.Address

For Each cl In rBookings

Set mArea = .Cells(cl.Row, 1).MergeArea

If mArea.Cells(1, 1).Value < Date Then cl.Locked = True

Next cl


.Protect PW

End With

End Sub

Note: This code will work when the Column B is Merged then it will start lock from the Column D and it starts from Row 7

Hope it will help full

