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Need to delete specific cells in a row [SOLVED]


New Member

I have a Macro that lets me delete an entire row based on the beginning letter of a specified cell. However, I just need to delete two specific cells in that row not the entire row.

Dim LR As Long

[code]Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    [code]For LR = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1

[code]If Range("D" & LR).Value = "" Or Left(Range("D" & LR), 1) = "M" Then


End If[/code]

Next LR[/code]

Application.ScreenUpdating = True[/code]

I just need the cells in column D and E To be deleted.

Thank You
Hi, brightyoyo!

I was wondering what were you be doing, it's not that I missed you... :)

That macro sounds familiar to me, don't know why...

You now say you don't want to delete the whole row but only cells in range D:E, are you referring to erasing its contents or to actually removing the cells from the worksheet? If it's this last case, what should be done, shifting remaining cells of row to the left or remaining cells of the column upwards?

Hi, brightyoyo!

Change this:




to this:


Range("D" & LR & ":" & "E" & LR).Delete Shift:=xlUp


Hi SirJB7

Thanks that worked perfectly, as usual. The macro I found at MrExcel and changed for my purposes. Maybe that is why it is familiar.

Once again thank You for the speedy help.
Hi, brightyoyo!

It's familiar because I fixed it for you at an earlier topic, I guess. Maybe here:


Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.

Hi SirJB7

In that topic I wanted to filter a specified column and then output the filtered results into separate workbooks. Where as here I was filtering and deleting cells based on there 1st Letter.

And Yes you help me solve that one as well.

Hi, brightyoyo!

It doesn't matter at all, but if you want to check it... the title topic says "Delete rows", and in your 1st post you say "Im am looking for a way to delete a row that has a cell that begins with certain letters".
