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Need to Automate Manual Formula for Adding Rows in Large Excel 2007 File


New Member

I have a large worksheet with revenues/expenses of organizations. Each organization is represented by an identifying number and 5 or 6 rows of data. I need all organizations to be represented by 6 rows even if one row contains 0s. I have been using =COUNTIF(B:B,B2)=6 to screen for those organizations reporting 5 rows of data. When I get a false, I insert a row with a 0 in the column for revenues and expenses. This manual process has worked well on the state level where there are 30 or so organizations. On the national level, more than 2000+ organizations, I need to automate (1) identifying those with 5 rows and (2) inserting the 6th row.

Thank you for considering/responding to this request.

Hi, alcharbonneau!

Give a look at this file:


It has 3 parameters:

J1 (named range NumberOfRowsCell): rows desired (6)

L1 (named range DeleteRowsCell): Y, delete; N or other, mark

N1 (named range ConditionalFormattingCell): Y, applies CF; N or other, no

Also uses dynamic named range DataTable from A2 in advance.

Just advise if any issue.
