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Need offset in Match / index function


New Member
I use index(match) functions to compare two lists.

Now I want to use not always the same range for my this, but a shifting range:

cell G1: match("andreas", B1:F10) = 4

now I want

cell G2: match("Willi", B1+4:F10) =...

So the second range is based on the first match.... with only one of the coordinates changing.

Possible? If any without VBA?
Hi and Welcome Andreas,

Try this:


You can change the "2" Value in the offset to the increment you want, or point it to a value in a range.

Thank you Nacky!

I had to change it a bit, the row / offset did not work. so I ended up just with


where N2 is based on the first match (looking for 2nd match to then index)

Never encountered indirect before, very helpful.