Hi, Tarheel8181!
Have you tried with the built-in assistant for functions?
From formula editor, type "=index(" unquoted... and the magic begins.
Otherwise go to Formula tab, press "f(x)" and follow the yellow line.
Of course, here it is:
=INDICE(B8:D15;COINCIDIR(B1;A8:A15;0);COINCIDIR(B2;B7:D7;0)) -----> in English: =INDEX(B8:D15,MATCH(B1,A8:A15,0),MATCH(B2,B7:D7,0))
Just wondering if... give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
This in particular:
"Quickly search the Web and Chandoo.org for help before posting. It is quite possible that your problem has been solved by someone else."
In the last hour or two it's the 3rd or 4th time that questions about Index/Match are posted.