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Need help with timesheet creation with shifts


New Member
Can anyone help me figure out formulas that will compute the number of hours in each shift. I downloaded a microsoft template that computes the total number of hours when the start and end times are input; however, need to know the number of hours in each shift when the shifts are as follows:

1st Shift 10:01 PM 6:00 AM

2nd Shift 6:01 AM 2:00 PM

3rd Shift 2:01 PM 10:00 PM

Times are input in military time. May have more than one start and stop time per day. For example,

Start12:30 PM stop 5:30 PM start6:00 PM stop10:00 PM
Good evening tcarleo

You say military time so would 10:01 not be 22:01 and 2:00pm be 14:00
Hi, tcarleo!

First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.

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Thank you. Military time is entered, but the way it is formatted, it shows as standard time. That is not really the issue. The issue is that I need formulas to compute the number of hours in each shift no matter what the start and stop times are. I have been searching the internet and your site for hours. Any help is appreciated.
Hi tcarleo,

Can you please attache a sample file for the same, so that we can realize the problem exactly.. :)

Refer : http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook


As far as I know, which about military stuffs is very vague, I always thought that they used 24 hr clock (as we do too), but without the colon. As for ten and a quarter they say "two thousand two hundred and fifteen" (with or without the "and", I guess) instead of "twenty two fifteen" as many civilian do.

So 22:15 should be 2215, IMHO.

Morning SirJB7

When I was younger, many,many moons ago I severd in the Irish quards for three years and the miltary clock is 24Hr clock. 15:00,18:00Hr,22Hrs, ect ect.