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Need help to automate power query report


New Member
Hi All,
I need your help to automate power query...
I need to lookup 1 column from current date file in the previous days file.
Example : I want to know the status of what happened on the April - 04 - 2022 by checking the status available on today's April - 05 - 2022 raw data file.
Based on the data there are more columns created which I have managed.
Currently I have created 2 query's
Previous day: I copy paste data from April - 04 - 2022
Current day : I copy paste data from April - 05 - 2022
Then I run the query and I get a table which populates data based on the condition on April - 04 - 2022.

Is there a way I can automate this process.

Thanking you in advance.