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Need help to apply a condition for dax


New Member
Hello everyone, I have a report to calculate bonus of staff as :


Table Bonus 1:

3. Bonus for re enrollment
Bonus = # of Re Enroll OD x % The corresponding bonus level according to the table

Conditions apply for type Re Enrollment
1. Area code : all of area
2.% Re Enroll Student of campus is following percentage as table :


Example : Staff E have 30 student re enrollment and % Re Enroll Student of campus is 120%
Bonus 3= 30 x 20,000 = 600,000
I use this dax to calculate bonus for staff. But I have a problem , the condition [% Target ] is greater than 90% is applied for a whole of campus not for everyone belong of campus.
Example :

The dax just calculate for Campus code LTT that [% Target ] 107% and not calculate for every staff belong that LTT. I need the dax apply for every staff which [% Target ] is satisfy the table Re Enrollment

I post data in this link : https://app.powerbi.com/groups/me/reports/ac39c2eb-d6d9-46d6-9f87-3fe72272633e?ctid=d1005fc5-bff9-42...

Dax in sheet Bonus Sale Pre Open. Can everyone help me to fix that dax ?