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Need Help/Advice on how to create a nutritional spreadsheet


New Member
Hey guys!

As my handle suggests, I have very little excel knowledge. I do have a job-related spreadsheet task I need to undertake, and I need some advice/assistance with where to start and how to format.

Here's what I need to do:

I need to create a way to summarize nutritional information of various dishes I create for a restaurant. I will be making large quantities of food which will be portioned out into servings, so I can either figure out how much of each ingredient is in a serving, or list the total amount of the ingredient and then the number of servings it created.

I am thinking of making an alphabetical list of ingredients (maybe 100+) and initially listing the amount of fat/carbs/protein in one ounce of each ingredient. Then I could enter in the value of each ingredient and have it come up with a total per serving.

Can anyone help me get started on this? I don't know where to begin or what to do.

Thanks so much!

Welcome to the forum!

Check out some of the recipe templates here:

the trick here is the more you play with it and learn about what you actually would like for it to do, the more you'll end up changing around!! hahaha The template Luke shows you is a great example of how much a spreadsheet can do and entail.

You sound like you have a good starting point: You'll probably want these to be based off of each dish, correct? I would make a seperate sheet for each dish. i would start off with listing your ingredients starting in say A3 (A2 will have your heading (probably "ingredients" lol). I usually leave A1 blank but you dont need to. Then in columns B,C,D,etc... you can list the amount of Fat/Protein, Carbs, etc.. THIS WOULD BE LIKE YOUR MASTER INDGREDIENT SHEET. Then on a separate sheet for a particular ingredient, you could input how many ounces of a indredient you'd use, and have it calculate the total for each field (fat, carbs, etc)

Do you have any ideas as far as what you would like for the spreadsheet to be able to do for you!? You could even set it up to where you select the dish, and it will automatically show you what ingredients you'll need and the health info for that ingredient... for however many servings you'd need.

I'd send you a PM but I dont see the option...if you'd like i can lend a hand via email or whatever.
Hi, excelnewb!

I don't know even a little about nutritional facts but yes a little about spreadsheets... and they need fuel as both human and Excel cells need... and I found that the best fuel is a six-pack of Carlsberg... so don't hesitate on adding that line to your recipes.

