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need guidance to write a code to take date from useform3.calender1


Hi Masters,

Some one could please help me?

i'm not able to take date or write a code for selection of date into

Sheet name "Data" column "E" with the help userform3.calender1

sample data and file is uploaded....address is


thanks a lot in advance
Hi Ajinkya ,

1. Remove the following statement from the procedure CommandButton1_Click() in the code for UserForm1 :

Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 5) = UserForm3.Calendar1.Value

2. Introduce the following statements in the procedure CommandButton1_Click() in the code for UserForm3 :

nextrow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Data").Range("A:A")) + 1

Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 5) = Calendar1.Value

The other way would be:

1. Insert a module and declare following line:

Global glOdDate As DataObject

2. Userform3.Commandbutton1's event:

[pre][code]Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set glOdDate = New DataObject 'This object holds data
glOdDate.SetText Me.Calendar1.Value 'Here the calendar value gets copied to clipboard
Unload Me
End Sub
I have added Unload Me so that hitting commandbutton exits event

3. Userform1.Commandbutton1's event [where data gets pasted to clipboard]:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim nextrow As Integer
'=COUNTA (A:A)+1
nextrow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Data").Range("A:A")) + 1

Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 1) = Now
Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 2) = UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value
Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 3) = UserForm1.ComboBox2.Value
Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 4) = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value
Sheets("Data").Cells(nextrow, 5) = glOdDate.GetText(1) 'We get copied data from UF3

Set glOdDate = Nothing 'Release object

Unload UserForm1
End Sub[/code][/pre]
Hi Ajinkya ,

Can you check this uploaded file ?


It is your original file , modified to take care of data entry from the calendar.


What if user hits 'cancel' button instead of 'update' button on Userform1 [The date entry will appear without any relevant data from UF1]?

Since entry is from another Userform, the inputting part is asynchronous which may lead to incorrect data placement.
Hi Shrivallabha ,

Thanks for pointing out a mistake.

What I find is that , as you say , when the CANCEL button is pressed , the selected date is entered in the first blank cell in column E.

However , if you repeat this process any number of times , the same cell will be overwritten with whatever fresh dates are selected , since the updating procedure is looking at column A to decide the value of the "nextrow" variable.

Therefore , whenever the user does decide to enter genuine data and selects UPDATE , the junk date which was pasted earlier in column E , will now be overwritten with the user-entered date.

Your point is taken , but the OP has to decide whether this problem needs to be taken care of , or whether he can live with it.

Thanks once again.
