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Need formula


Hi All,

Please check below link. I have 2 question in excel file what i need.

if still have any question please ask.



i'm fairly confused...but think some of it is starting to clear up.


1) where are the values in d10:i21 coming from?

1.1) If i look for the matching data... it looks like this particular table contains the same values as the Area5Prod1 field in Col.AM... is this correct?

*The only way I can see you getting a Total for all areas for the Cost Spot Hire would be to have that individually calculated for each area and then find the sum (exacly like you did for the TotalProd1 field in Cells AS10:AS20. I would think the easiest way to achieve this would be to insert 4 new columns for each Area_Prod1 and Area_Prod2 groups and calculate out the Req. Trips, Vehicle Req, Cost SPot Hire, and Cost dedicated fields....

*the 2011 and 2012 tables off to the right look like they are/or have been PivotTables at some point... is this correct? if so, it would be helpful to have access to the data they are looking at as there may be an easier way to rearrange everything.

i'm mainly typing out my thoughts to 1. confirm with you that i'm understanding this correctly and 2. for anyone else reading and also confused.
Hi, aparvez007!

Regarding your first question in the workbook at worksheet Sheet2 on cell H27 "how to get this total", pointing to H24:I24, I'm tempted to say =3000000+34971 for H24 and =2000000+6143 for I24, but I'm sure you'd say that there's a logic behind those figures, and you're gonna be so kind as to explain it to me. If I take the values from each area of all 8 for those columns and I sum them I get these values:


1	324778,5714	194867,1429
2	604580,2143	715278
3	478230,3571	433114,2857
4	104935,2857	57237,42857
5	82065		70341,42857
6	321921,4286	309044,5714
7	75327,42857	87882
8	214947		226260
All	2206785,286	2094024,857
