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Need Assistance With 3-D Formula


New Member

I am working on a problem regarding a 3d formula. It is a homework assignment and I am not looking for an exact answer but just a nudge in the right direction.

Here is the scenario:

On the October worksheet, in cell C3, insert a 3-D formula to calculate the overall percentage of total Sunday Orchestra Front tickets sold based on the total available Orchestra Front seating. Modify the total available seating reference so that the column reference is absolute. Copy the formula to the range C3:G7.

For Sunday Orchestra Front Tickets: $168 - Total = $284,256.

Orchestra Seats Available: 86

I know I use a sum function but the rest I have tried is =SUM($B$3*C11). It does come out to a percentage, but it is a huge percentage, which I believe is not correct. Could someone help clarify if this is correct or am I not using the right forumula conversions?

Much Thanks!

Hi Rob!

First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.

As a starting point I'd recommend you to read the three first green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates.

We would be very glad if you do not use our forum for academic assignments :)



There's nothing within the rules that say people can't come here for help w/ assignments. Personally, I find it almost more encouraging that if someone doesn't know an answer they at least know where to look. I still get people everyday who come up to me w/ questions and I can't but help to think "Did you try Google?" =)


Some rough outline of how to solve. When you say you have a 3d reference, I'm assuming that you mean a formula that looks at multiple sheets. Then, I'm assuming that the 2 fields you are looking for are the total sold and the total available. If you could somehow get the total sold from all sheets and divide that number by the total available from all sheets, I believe you would have your answer.
Hi Luke,

I really appreciate your words.. and I personally try my level best to help them as much as possible.. Its gives me mental satisfaction.. :)

but my previous post is fully copy & paste.. ;)


I will follow your path.. (as usual.. )


Hi Deb,

I'll admit that I stand corrected. Personally, it's a bit of a gray line, depending on how much help the OP is asking for. Want a full-blown worksheet showing how to do the problem? Not going to happen. Asking to explain a concept? Sure thing.

Another fun topic this forum has tackled is the issue of helping people unlock passwords on files. While the info could be used for evil, I prefer to take a stance of good-faith, and hope it it used either to help someone, or warn someone that they should rethink putting all their personal info in a single XL file and then "protecting" it. =P


I personally disagree with what Chandoo posted a week ago. If academic assingments were forbidden or not well seen or discouraged in this forums it should be clearly pointed out in green sticky post "Posting Rules & Etiquette [Please read before posting]".

For me it's the same if a student doesn't know how to solve a problem, if an employee doesn't know how to do his work, if a person doesn't know how to do something at home, if... If it's an Excel issue and is properly explained and and and... well, why should it not have place in this website?

Finally, it's always up to the contributors to decide which posts to respond or not, so everyone could filter or adapt the volunteer contributions towards the topics believed more ethical, needed or simply sympathetic.

Personally I'd prefer to answer a student that doesn't know how to achieve the goal with his assignments rather tan a person that wants almost a full system without nearly no effort from his side.
