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Need a VBA code


New Member

We have "N" number of users updating the data in one excel file

User Name's are like: Anil, Krishna,Deepak,Manoj,Shipra

Problem statement 1): User Anil can update only the sheet named as Anil but cannot update the other sheets and similarly other users also cannot update other sheets but only the sheet named with specific user name.

Problem statement 2): Data from all the sheets should be consolidated to one new sheet
Problem Statement 3): Old data in consolidated sheet should be deleted when new data updated in other sheets

Can any one help by writing Macro for this problem statement


  • Test File.xlsx
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Do those "N" number of users same keyboard?
#1 Updating is Okay - but saving ... Should others SEE others sheets? Could everyone use own file?
#2 ... all ways to one new sheet?
#3 ... case #2 or which users data will be there - the latest updated users?
User will access the file from the share drive, hence when one user us updating the data another cannot access it
Should others SEE others sheets? - Other user cannot SEE the other sheets except their sheet
all ways to one new sheet? - Yes
case #2 or which users data will be there - the latest updated users? - when all the user confirmed to the admin that the data is ready, then admin can run the macro to get the consolidate the data
"Consolidate" sheet - Macro should delete the old data and inform the users to update the new data, post confirmation from users to admin, then admin will run the macro to consolidate the data
You skipped few questions:
Do those "N" number of users same keyboard?
#1 Will the 'system' take care that there can be only one user which can edit file? ...happen ... if user will start editing file and will leave to holiday while editing ... then none cannot edit that file!
Could everyone use own file? ... then every user could do whenever they would like.
#2 ... then there will be many new sheets ... daily?
#3 ... the latest save would be there. How do all the users confirm? ... eg from holiday? ... or the whole company would wait?
If as You wrote 'Yes' ... daily files .. why delete something?
You're writing many inform ... post confirmation and so on ... then those "N" number of users should able to follow clear rules!
Have You tried to read ... what have You written? ... please, do so!
Hi !​
We have "N" number of users updating the data in one excel file
It's not a good idea to use Excel like this, can be a mess …​
The easy way is each user has his own workbook and once finished the admin use a procedure to upload each user data.​