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need a vba code for automatic list


hi frnds.....

i have two list one is Item list in column A

and second list is category list in column B

Both the list are very long..

Now i expect that when i save a new item with category the automatic save my individual category list too.....with assending order.........

any one can help me.........?

other discription is in my following file......u can understand my problem after watch my file......

this is my file link

http://speedy.sh/dBFB9/automatic-work.xls please help me........

I m trying to ask it from 3 days..............
Hello all Ninjas:

Just wanted to inform you that this query has already been resolved below:


Just wanted to bring this to your notice if it is required to be closed (however, I am not sure) from back end as it seems to be a cross posting by Mahaveer.




Thanks for the information.


PS: I wrote twice about it on this user topics... and I wouldn't want to reach the third... but I'm not sure I could...