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Need a Trendline Report with Two Values

I feel really silly posting this, but I have two numbers that I need to plot on a chart - YTD actual number and YTD budget (2 numbers total, i.e. 50,000 and 65,000)and I want to show how the actual number is trending on budget. If I create a bar chart, it comes up with no issues. I want this to be a line chart and I cannot get it work. Any ideas why?
Hi Nikki,

How can you plot line with just two numbers?? Do you need to show a straight line that moves across the chart (as standard budget)?

Yes, originally that is what I wanted, but I realize it cannot be done with what I am trying to do. I have to entire values - for example the month so far are from January through April. I was just hoping to have a straight line for the budget number and then the varying line on actual.
Hi Nikki,

If it is just about adding a horizontal line that shows ideal budget, follow this one, it will help you:

