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Need a Quick Reference Guide


New Member
Hey guys, I'm in need of a website or file that shows a large amount of commonly used commands/code in Excel VBA. It is getting tedious to specifically search or record a Macro of what I am attempting to do, or having to look off of old Macros to figure out just the syntax. I'm sure it will come with time and repetition but a quick look sort of guide would help me out tremendously. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it
For syntax, type a method/object into the VBE and then press F1. This will bring up the help file on that item, and show you what you need or what is optioinal. Beyond that, I'd recommend searching this forum for "VBA training". There's a few threads about good books to read, as well as Chandoo's article to get you started:


Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Reference :
