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Need a formula

I have a situation involving more knowledge of Excel than I currently possess. I have a summary worksheet which contains columns such as Cost and Revenue, and Rows that show which job the cost and the revenue get assigned to. So lets say column B represents Cost, C is revenue, row 2 is job1, row 3 job2, etc. etc. column 4 contains the date the job was billed. I need to get the sum of column B for only rows that contain a date in column 4. I think this could be easy if my spreadsheet were limited to only a few columns, but I need to repeat this process for 22 different KPIs. Any ideas of the best way to sum this up.

Thanks for the help,

The Doctor
If you just want sum where the date is not blank:

=sumif(criteriarange,<>"",sum range)

If you want to sum based on specific dates: same deal just replace <>"" with the date in text.