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Need a formula on Conditional Sum.

I am preparing an excel and need a formula on conditonal sum. The requirement is :

In attached excel sheet, blue cells I need uniform sum formula which should be the sum of all values in column B between two 2500 values of column A.

Eg.... In C4 the value should be 1000 (100+200+300+400), in C8 the value should be 2600 (500+600+700+800) and in C10 it should be 1900 (900+1000).


  • CS.xlsx
    8.5 KB · Views: 6

In C2, formula copy down :




  • ConditionalSum.xlsx
    10.2 KB · Views: 2
I thought that my example will work for me in my actual sheet, but sorry it didn't. Though it worked in my example.
I am sharing my actual sheet, which a Trading excel example, where my requirement is :

My actual order quantity is 100000. In my trading strategy, I need to ensure that at any given point of time in quantity in market should not be greater than 2500. So whenever any trade execution happens, system should work out

In Column D :: Order sent to market. Maximum L3 only can be sent.
In Column G :: Actual trade quantity which got executed.
In Column H :: Pending quanity in market post getting execution of order.
In Column E :: Additional quantity to be sent to market due to execution (Col H) but here need to ensure that total quantity in market should not be greater or lesser than L3.
In Column F :: This column should show total order quantity in market. This should never be lesser or greater than L3.
In Column L3 :: This is the column which define what should be the max order quantity in market.

Please help me in making this excel.


  • Book2.xlsx
    10.3 KB · Views: 4
Keeping it simple, which columns in your newly attached Book2.xlsx correspond to the columns A, B and C in your original CS.xlsx file?