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Name Range


janak 81135

santosh 81136

sanjay 81137

preeti 81138

manisha 81139

manisha 81140

jaya 81141

mahesh 81142

mohan 81143

dawa 81144

danny 81145

deepak 81146

dinesh 81147

Is there any way so that when we type in da, it shows only the name related with da i.e dawa, danny etc and so on...and extract in the other cell the employment no.
Hi Dawa

What you are after is an Autocomplete feature. XL has this to a certain extent if you type say Data in A1 and go to A2 and type D Data will appear and you only need to press enter.

There is a far more complex procedure to build in autocomple functionality, I built something for a client of mine once upon a time using a combo box. The technology was mostly gleaned from this site;


Deb has a sample file and code to go with it. The final product looks pretty slick.

Take care

Dawa, it sounds like you're after more than autocomplete to me, given you talk about also extracting the employment number. But it's not exactly clear to me how you want to handle multiple matches. For instance, what employment number do you want to return if you type 'da'...the one relating to Dawa, or Danny, or both?

Can you explain a bit more about what you are after, and possibly post a link to a sample workbook (See http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook on how to do that)