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My Grade Template


Hi Chandoo Experts,
Asheem helped me out in my grade evaluation worksheet a great deal. I would like to learn one more thing to do on it. When I select a name from the drop down list can I put a conditional formatting rule to highlight that individual's name all the way to the "grade" column? I was trying to do it but it would only highlight the name and it wasn't connecting to the drop down list. Also, if you can explain it to me step by step I would appreciate it. Your help would be most appreciative. Thank you. Joe from Michigan.


  • grade evaluation template.xlsx
    467.1 KB · Views: 8
Hi Joe

Use the following formula for your conditional formatting rule.


It leverages off your drop down. The formula just checks to see that the name in Column B matches the name in the drop down. For example if Laura is chosen No 1 will appear in Q1. Laura is the first name in the list so the formula matches the first name in the list with number 1.

I have attached a file to show workings.

Take care



  • grade evaluation template.xlsx
    217.8 KB · Views: 13