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my first dashboard

mario rdz

New Member
Hello all..

A couple of weeks ago I posted a topic about what did you think about the graphs I had for a specific report that I generate every month.
I received some comments and want to thanks to all .. specially to Hui.. because for your comments I spend some time and effort to upgrade that report and today I can say I have generated my fisrt Dash Board... (I think so :DD )

Well of course I did take al lot of your practices and examples from this forum, and again thanks for sharing your knowledge..

Now I want to share what I did, hopping to somebody could be usefull...

Please share you comments.. for good or bad will be very wellcome..

1) I have deleted a lot of rows,, because for some Data bases I have more than 50 K rows... (that is one of my concerns abt performance)
2) sorry my end users wanted all in Spanish

Best Regards


  • Dashboard.PNG
    106.7 KB · Views: 6
  • test file v2.xlsm
    217.8 KB · Views: 7
Very cool mario, thanks for sharing. I like the overall layout, and how things are spaces. Makes for a very clean feel. My one suggestion would be to change chart B from a pie chart to a bar chart. You get more of the message across w/ less ink(space) with the bar chart, and it's easier to compare widths of bars than widths of pie slices. Bonus, pie charts w/ more than 3 slices can be very tricky for people who have color blindness. That issue is completely removed with bar chart. Anyways, that's just my two cents. Again, very cool! :cool:

Side-by-side comparison:
If I'm the grumpy boss and want to quickly know how Bombas is doing, the right chart is a little easier, because I don't have to look at legend, find color, match color, and then find number.