Hi guys. So I wrote a code to sort (by ascending order) column H which has a column header 'Balance' (so cell H1). If there are any zero or negative balances, a message box would be produced asking if they should be deleted (yes/no). If there are no zero or negative balances, then the message box would say there are none. I have written a code below but it doesn't do exactly what I want it to.
So there are some issues that i need help with.
1. If I add another column, the code would sort column H which would no longer be the 'Balance' column. How could I wrote that piece of the code to search by column name ('Balance') and sort that column instead.
2. It seems that my piece of the code for searching for any values zero or negative does not actually do that. Is there a better way to search for that?
So there are some issues that i need help with.
1. If I add another column, the code would sort column H which would no longer be the 'Balance' column. How could I wrote that piece of the code to search by column name ('Balance') and sort that column instead.
2. It seems that my piece of the code for searching for any values zero or negative does not actually do that. Is there a better way to search for that?
Sub deletezero()
'Sorting the Balance column
Columns("A:BB").Sort key1 = Range("H:H"), order1 = xlAscending, Header = xlYes
'Selecting the Balance column and creating a variable
Dim FindZero As Integer
If FindZero <= 0 Then
'Yes or No message box
answer = MsgBox("There are zero or negative values. Would you like to delete?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Zero or Negative Values")
If answer = vbYes Then
Dim iRow As Long, firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long
firstRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells(1, 1).Row
lastRow = Clls.SpecialCells(xlCellsTypeLastCell).Row
For iRow = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
If Cells(iRow, 8) <= 0 Then Rows(iRow).Delete
Next Row
'do nothing
End If
MsgBox "There are no zero or negative values"
End If
End Sub
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