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Multiple PDF to one excel workbook

Hi All,

I have multiple PDF files (invoices) saved in a folder and I want to print each PDF file in separate excel worksheet within one workbook. Any help ?

The aim is ease of access to PDF invoices as these are scanned and I have to summarize information from each invoice in an excel sheet.

Hi !

Easy if you have a pro version of Acrobat (Excel export feature)
or by code, in this case see on its specialized forum.

If not, search on web 'cause it's not an Excel/VBA internal feature
as you can try yourself by attempting to directly open a pdf file in Excel …
I want to print each PDF file in separate excel worksheet within one workbook.

I am reading this as you want the IMAGE and not necessary the data to be loaded to each workbook. Do I have that right?

If so....

I did something like this a while back and saved the macros to my personal workbook.

1. Convert the PDFs to Image files (I believe I used TIF). If the PDFs are mutli page ensure that the conversion create the additional pages.

2. Then I worked with the VBA code from this page to import the images
- The code will place each image on a line - you will want to have it add a new tab on each loop.
- I assume you would want a multi page PDF to all appear on one worksheet so you will have to muck with that code based on the image naming convention.

3. I then worked with some code from other sources to reset the image size.
- the code i have saved to my personal macro is a bit messy but I can share it (or just my sources) if you find it helpful.

Hope this helps some.
