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I have a master sheet of occupancy %ge by location wise, which needs to update on daily basis.
In Master Sheet :
1. There are two sheets one is New Delhi.
2. In both sheets, Column E (current Occupancy) have date wise occupancy %age.
3. I need to update in the filename having *Delhi*.
In Delhi:
1. The macro will go for the starting date of the month and select the sheet accordingly.
2. And then paste the percentage accordingly in each months sheet.
In Master Sheet :
1. There are two sheets one is New Delhi.
2. In both sheets, Column E (current Occupancy) have date wise occupancy %age.
3. I need to update in the filename having *Delhi*.
In Delhi:
1. The macro will go for the starting date of the month and select the sheet accordingly.
2. And then paste the percentage accordingly in each months sheet.