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Multiple detail into one excel cell


New Member
Hi everyone.
I'm wondering if were possible to enter a multiple detail in one single Excel cell through any Excel or vba tips.
For example, I want my company xy enters its intercompany balances to other companies in a single cell that reflects Intercompany sales.

- Intercompany sales usd 100 (cell a1)
inside cell a1 is possible to enter a detail like this one?? (company 1 usd 50, company 2 usd 25, company 3 usd 25).

Thanks for any tip you'd like to share.
Kind regards

Good day Daniele

Have you tryed it, you can do as you want........But the question sptings to mind WHY. If your boss wants the deatails of just one company a quick filter on your data would supply all details for that company, that is if you had turned your data in to a table, you can very quickly search and work on individual companys data. If you do it your way the work sheet will get very cumbersome and not at all user friendly....................Remember the rules of Normaliztion and be happy.
Hi Daniele,

Yes, Microsoft also gives this option to excel.. to use a cell as word processor.
Even in a single cell you can write multiple line.
In 2007+ version of excel, you can even color, bold or set fort size for each character in a single cell.

While writing in a cell.. press Alt + Enter to start writing multiple line..
Increase column's size, if required.

Beware, Word Processor don't have calculation power,
Excel as Word Processor.png
thanks for the quick replies.
@bobhc I didn't explain myself properly; actually I'd like my foreign colleagues would fill a data entry sheet including one row/one figure for every managing account of their companies

- sales 1500 usd (cell A2:1500)
- Intercompany sales 100 usd (cell A3:100 - here I'd like to show them Intercompanies list in which they can insert their Ic balances like some avanced finance softwares do)
- total sales 1600 usd (cell A4: 1600)

Thanks for your time
