I have a problem. I have a project that consists of 3 columns and 5 rows. The 1st 2 columns contain dates ( 5 rows) from and thru, and the last column contains currency.
The 1st row will contain a date period less than 365 days whereas the subsequent rows will contain from and thru dates equal to 365.
My question primary centers around the last right column. As mentioned this column will contain currency.
I am working on a formula that determines if the 1st row contains less than 365 days
then the currency should be prorated over the 365 days. In other words as in the example below if we spent 900 for the 1st period( 106 days), then the amount projected or prorated over a yr would be 3099.06.
The formula I am working on needs to look at the last column, prorate the 1st roll and then provide an average of the subsequent currency( which will varies up to 5 rows and may contain no entry) below is my attempt that only returns the 3099.06 figure. Any help would be appreciated.
=IFERROR(IF(D63-C63<365,E63/((D63-C63))*365, AVERAGE(C63:D63,D63-C63>=365,E63:E67)),"")
1/1/2012 4/16/2012 $900.00
1/1/2011 12/31/2011 $1,000.00
1/1/2010 12/31/2010 $-
1/1/2009 12/31/2009 $-
1/1/2008 12/31/2008 $
The 1st row will contain a date period less than 365 days whereas the subsequent rows will contain from and thru dates equal to 365.
My question primary centers around the last right column. As mentioned this column will contain currency.
I am working on a formula that determines if the 1st row contains less than 365 days
then the currency should be prorated over the 365 days. In other words as in the example below if we spent 900 for the 1st period( 106 days), then the amount projected or prorated over a yr would be 3099.06.
The formula I am working on needs to look at the last column, prorate the 1st roll and then provide an average of the subsequent currency( which will varies up to 5 rows and may contain no entry) below is my attempt that only returns the 3099.06 figure. Any help would be appreciated.
=IFERROR(IF(D63-C63<365,E63/((D63-C63))*365, AVERAGE(C63:D63,D63-C63>=365,E63:E67)),"")
1/1/2012 4/16/2012 $900.00
1/1/2011 12/31/2011 $1,000.00
1/1/2010 12/31/2010 $-
1/1/2009 12/31/2009 $-
1/1/2008 12/31/2008 $