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Multi Coloum Data Validation


Excel Ninja
Good Day All

I am trying my hand at data valadation so that when diffrent users enter data they all get the same choice. I have no problem with a single coloum, I can get that working with no problems, what I am realy struggling with is to get the drop down choice to change depending on what they choose in the first coloum.

The first drop down will disply :-LSM,DESPATCH,BAR MILL what I want is for the second drop down in the second coloum to display FURNACE,ROUGHING,CONTINUOUS MILL,COLD END,SUB STATION if the use chooses LSM from the first drop down, but (there is all ways a but)if the choose DESPATCH from the first drop down their choice in the second list would be

TRAILE PARK, WIEGH BRIDGE WAREHOUSE,BAR MILL. I am puting all my validation lists on a seperate sheet in the work book.
Hi Bob ,

Can you check out an earlier question on this topic ?


Hi Bobhc,

Check out this link. It gives details of setting up dependant drop=down lists

Good day All

Many thanks to all who replied. I followed all the links posted, read the posts watched the videos and now have a multy sheet work book that restricts the user to the input by the drop down lists, even put the messages in the validation drop downs, it’s going to annoy the hell out of the users but in my limit understanding of Excel I think it is a work of art
Hello Again

The help I recived in making drop down validation lists was first class, I did learn that you must use named ranges other wise Excel forgets all list when you close the workbook down.

I have a question that I do not think there is an answer to,......but(all ways the but) here it is, the person inputting the data can now pick from the various drop downs in variouis coloumns, but I have one coloumn that holds the information as to whether the accident was minor(MIN), lost time (LT), or reportable the the Health and Safety(RIDDOR), I would like to lock the choices in by doing a drop down validation list but the cell that would carry the RIDDOR choice would have to be formated with a Red fill and Yellow text.

I have tried various conditional formating but with no luck. I am using Excel 2010
Hi Bob ,

Do you mean that out of the three choices within each cell in that column , if the user selects RIDDOR , then that particular cell will be formatted as YELLOW text on RED background ? If the user selects MIN or LT , there will not be any special format.

If so , then you can use Conditional Formatting.

The Rule Type is : Format only cells that contain

Cell value equal to ="RIDDOR"

Choose the type of text and background colour that you want.

NARAYANK991 You read my post perfectly, have done as you say, works like a dream, you have my thanks and regards