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Ms Access - Combo Box


Dear All,

Sorry to post Ms access question, but may be i will get the proper answer. My problem is, i am working on a project, and i need to implement it in Ms access. I created a table namely Vendor_tbl, it has some fields (columns), one of them is Category filed. I have created a form (which the users will enter the data on it), in Ms access 2007, it will automatically create a form according to the fields in the selected table (in my case Vendor_tbl), Category filed also appeared, now i want to display it as combo box instead of simple text box. Combo box values are in another table namely CDC_Members, how can i create a combo box, so that the users can only select the values which are in CDC members table.
@vijay: definitely a post in the wrong forum. But if I've understood your problem (and correct me if I have not), you can create a dropdown from the menu and link to a query which can display the field values which you desire. In fact, IIRC, you can also use a wizard for this. I don't have Access on my PC now, hence cannot guide more.

I'd recommend you to Google for Dev Ashish and Stephan Lebans and visit their pages for details and more intricate solutions. There's plenty of examples there to walk you through.


Hi, vijay.vizzu!

Edit the form, right button on Category field, change from text box to list box, then go to properties and set source control to CDC_Members.

Thank you SirJB7, i have tried this procedure, it displays all the fields of CDC members table, i need only one field's values. (field name: Category) and this values should be updated in my Vendor_tbl in field name category.

Please help me to do this


Hi, vijay.vizzu!

In source control try typing something like this:

a) in Data tab of properties,

- set RowSource to CDC_Members

- set RowSourceType to table/query

- set DependentColumn to field number of Category


b) "select distinct category from CDC_Members"

Take the table which has the field (Category) you want. Make a query with only the Category field and use this query as your source to the drop down box.