Greetings friends,
I've learned greatly from you all and I'm hoping to obtain your assistance yet again. I've self taught myself quite a bit in VBA coding, but this one is past my expertise. I've attached a workbook to show data that I pull straight off of a supply portal. I'm loading this into access in a specific format, I will be doing this daily once everything is up and running so I need to find some way to do this to alleviate any manual errors and to save time. I need to see if it's possible to have it scroll through Column A until it comes to a PO Number, Once it comes to a PO Number, take the due date in Column B "DDD : XX-XX-XXXX", store those all together on a second worksheet with the part number in column A, The PO number in column B Due Date in Column C and Qty Ordered from Column E, to be placed in Column D. I added in a second worksheet to workbook to show hopefully the finished product, Please help if you can and I appreciate the time and consideration greatly. Thank you gents/ladies!
I've learned greatly from you all and I'm hoping to obtain your assistance yet again. I've self taught myself quite a bit in VBA coding, but this one is past my expertise. I've attached a workbook to show data that I pull straight off of a supply portal. I'm loading this into access in a specific format, I will be doing this daily once everything is up and running so I need to find some way to do this to alleviate any manual errors and to save time. I need to see if it's possible to have it scroll through Column A until it comes to a PO Number, Once it comes to a PO Number, take the due date in Column B "DDD : XX-XX-XXXX", store those all together on a second worksheet with the part number in column A, The PO number in column B Due Date in Column C and Qty Ordered from Column E, to be placed in Column D. I added in a second worksheet to workbook to show hopefully the finished product, Please help if you can and I appreciate the time and consideration greatly. Thank you gents/ladies!