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Move row if box is checked

I apologize but I was unable to find where this exact question/issue was already asked in the forums....
I would like to create a to-do list where once the task is completed, a check box is ticked and the row is moved to a sheet titled 'Action items completed'. I know how to create the check box but unsure what code is needed to have the row moved
Thank you in advance!
Moving a row constitutes a change of state which is not permitted in a functional programming environment such as Excel.
I suggest the question should be moved or re-posted on the VBA macros forum.
Hello, right but without any workbook attachment it is more for some guessing challenge garbage section rather than for VBA Macros …​
Hank Moore
Without Your sample file, here is one sample how to move row to other sheet.
This won't use any check boxes - select cell below MOVE-header and that's it.
With this sample, You can move from Sheet1 to Sheet2 and back.


  • Move.xlsb
    18.7 KB · Views: 8