Hello My Master,I Want Your Help To Modify the code column equation
So, if the Tour name in column D was on the list in column J of Setting Sheet and Numbers in column v from Basic Sheet was on the list from F2:F23 of Setting Sheet .It must the Result To Be which in column D of Setting Sheet Thanks Alot
=IFERROR(IF(AND($d2=Setting!$J$2:$J$16,Basic!V2=Setting!$F$2:$F$23),VLOOKUP(LEFT(Basic!U2,FIND(" ",Basic!U2&" ")-1),Setting!$B$2:$D$6,3,),VLOOKUP(LEFT(Basic!U2,FIND(" ",Basic!U2&" ")-1),Setting!$B$2:$C$6,2,)),"")