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Mod function


Excel Ninja
Good day all

I have been trying various functions and have a question regarding the Mod function, In the table below I have the following..."=MOD(W22:W37,7)" and I receive the following result :-

31 3

95 4

76 6

24 3

31 3

15 1

24 3

28 0

18 4

60 4

11 4

95 4

48 6

90 6

52 3

38 3

All as it should be........but I was just wondering although Mod returns a 0 if there is no remainder or the remainder number, how would you expand the Mod function to return the number of times the divisor has been entered in to the divided number into the next column
been a long day "by" should have been "buy"......Bud is a beer is it not ?? there is some debate this side of the pond :)
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Sorry to disagree... but... there's always a but...

Bud's not a beer, man... beers are Carlsberg, Stella Artois, ...


Whole heartily agree......but then again Americans think cheese is a cake, cheese!!!