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merging several linked, dinamically exchanging spreadsheets in one big table


New Member
Good evening,

My name is Asen and I am a big fan of your excellent Internet- site about MS Excel.

Recently I have faced a problem for which I found a partial resolution but I need to know more about it if it is possible.

I have the following issue:

I have 10 different Excel books each of them with the same Excel spreadsheet inside as columns’ names (the names of the spreadsheets are different though). Each of these tables is maintained by a different person – therefore new rows could be created and/or some existing ones could be deleted. The aim is to merge all of them in one big table which have to dynamically be updated as something is exchanged in one or all of the spreadsheets without overlapping the information of the following tables within the "merged" table. If it is possible this to be done just with the tools Excel provides (without programming)? Please advise me.

Thank you and Best Regards,

Hi Asen,

Welcome to the forum.

Your requirement can be best resolved through VBA and this sort of questions have had been asked many times in this forum. Please feel free to search with key words at the top right box(google custom search) to get the relevant posts.

Since, you are looking for some non-vba based solution, I would suggest you to please look at the link below and see if it helps you:



Thank you very much Kaushik,

My apologises about not checking really well the forum- just I didn't now how to query it "shorter".

I have already implement the method. I created 10 workbooks, then copied with a link and different name to another folder. There I putted the Master- Merged table as well. When I am copying information from the "personal" tables I am copying about 10 rows more so to be sure in the Master table there will be no overlaping of raws. It is working perfect up to now. I will create another Table - Reports in which I will make all needed pivot table' reports based on the up-to-dated mergings into the Master table.

Thank you once again and

Best Regards,
