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Merge workbooks


Excel Ninja
Good day All

I have recently received much advice and formulas from members and I am trying to keep all related advice/formulas in one workbook to make comparison and study easier. I am using 2010/2013 and I have added the "compare and merge" button to the QAT as recommended but it is greyed out and will not respond. I have copy's of the workbooks in a separate folder,............but I need advice of how the merge these file, they contain VBA and if I just copy one sheet to a work book the VBA is lost??
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Good afternoon, old dog.

I don't know what you're doing here instead of being at the Olympic Games but...

What you're trying to do is ideal but utopic in future time. Why? Several reasons.

You can create a single workbook with lots of worksheets. If you name them by subject, then add each suggestion or formula in the same worksheet, but soon you'll have to adjust ranges, change named ranges... If you create a worksheet for each suggestion, you'd only delay the collision.

You can create a module for each subject or suggestion, but what to do with worksheet events, workbook events even worse.

If I were you, I'd create a folder, name each file as "subject - description - contributor.xlsm" (for this site I use "topic (from contributor at chandoo.org).xlsm"), maybe I'd merge very similar approaches, and I'd too rename modules to significant names. And how to explore all this? Well, maybe this link helps you:


And perhaps I'd begin to build my own module workbook, with the macros I think I'd use more frequently, but not formulas, there's always the built in help to rescue you.

I use it a lot, before I had to open lots of files to discover which one might have what I needed, but now and specially with the view code user form I save a lot of time.

Good evening SirJB7

I agree with what you say, I will look at the document inspector......but Olympic Games,nonono watching England get whitewashed by South Africa...Crickets the game(after rugby)