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Merge excel files to master file

I have excel files that i saved in a folder, i need to merge all excel files to my macro enabled workbook, [Simple excel file saved as macro-enable with one button as Browse, once i selected it has to browse my folder].

Once its browsed the folder it has to goto sheet name called "Data" same sheet name existed in all files inside that folder. I need to copy all data inside that sheet and paste to my excel file under data sheet. It has to copy and paste around 10 files inside that folder.

Let me know if works.
Dear Rajesh..

You can achieve this by using FileSystemObject Library. Before proceed further, please confirm that,
1. Do you want a pop window to select a folder or you want to hard coded in your code.
2. Is structure of the workbooks are same
3. Do you want to copy all the data, from starting row to end row, or some specified range
4. After data copy from different worksbooks, do you want to save the file or you want to save it as another file
1. Do you want a pop window to select a folder or you want to hard coded in your code.

Yes, I need, because folder will be in different location. i need to browse

2. Is structure of the workbooks are same
yes its same
3. Do you want to copy all the data, from starting row to end row, or some specified range
from starting row to end row.

4. After data copy from different worksbooks, do you want to save the file or you want to save it as another file

i want to paste the data where i am running macro, i have sheet called data. i need to paste at the end of the row/