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Measure to give True/False Percentage of column.



I created a simple measure (PowerPivot) to determine if a unit met a time goal of 200 seconds.

=if(apparatus[Min Incident Time] <200,TRUE,FALSE)

What I want to do next it to create another measure to figure out the percentages of true and false in the column. I attempted the below measure, but get an error.

=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(apparatus[apparatusid]),apparatus[Met Objective Status]=TRUE)

I can see what I'm trying to do is not correct unless I use a true/false column label?

Thanks for any help, Brent

This is my error message

This is what my column look like in the pivot

TRUE % (in cell C21): =COUNTIF(C1:C20,TRUE)/COUNT(A1:A20) ****IF****MetObjectiveStatus in column C
FALSE % : =100% - TRUE % =1-C21