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Matching two cells provide Qty


I should be able to work this out but failing miserably

I have provided an example and a description
if v (Status is In Progress) and E is (Client owned) in x (Client owned Tills) and Y (Client owned Printers put in F(Qty)
otherwise it would be zero

V could be Completed, Hold, Place Holder, cancelled
E could be types of Jobs
x & y would always be the same


  • clinet owned count.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 1
something like
in X2 and copy down
=IF(AND(V2="in progress",E2="client owned"),F2,0)

Not sure what to put in Y

BUT , not sure how i see Tills v printers
E is type of Till
where are printers ?


  • clinet owned count-ETAF.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 1