Hey chandooistas,
I am no guru, but i'm decent enough with excel and this has me stumped.
I have a list of times starting at 00:00:00 and increase in ten second increments. In the next column is a value.
In another table i want to match against various times and return the corresponding value.
However with match type set to zero, i get n/a
With match type set to 1 i get values but mostly one row off (too low). I can't do plus one as a workaround because sometimes the match formula gets the right row but only manual checking shows when it does and doesn't get it right...
If i do an = on the two values that aren't matching i get a TRUE result.
What's up with MATCH?! I thought it was all powerful but am no disillusioned....
Sample workbook here - http://dropcanvas.com/eii8l
I am no guru, but i'm decent enough with excel and this has me stumped.
I have a list of times starting at 00:00:00 and increase in ten second increments. In the next column is a value.
In another table i want to match against various times and return the corresponding value.
However with match type set to zero, i get n/a
With match type set to 1 i get values but mostly one row off (too low). I can't do plus one as a workaround because sometimes the match formula gets the right row but only manual checking shows when it does and doesn't get it right...
If i do an = on the two values that aren't matching i get a TRUE result.
What's up with MATCH?! I thought it was all powerful but am no disillusioned....
Sample workbook here - http://dropcanvas.com/eii8l