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Match Mentors with Mentees


New Member

I'm looking to match Mentors with Mentees without the use of VBA code because the file will be originally stored on OneDrive and will be opened in Excel Online which does not support VBA.
I have three sheets in one workbook.
1) Mentees
2) Mentors
3) MenteesXMentors: this is the sheet where I'm looking to get best possible matches based on the program of both the mentors and mentees. i.e in my case Henry Paul and Josie Sterla should be the possible matches

Is there a formula that could be used to pull up the best matches taking into consideration the faculty, program, areas focus, and languages?

Note: this is just a test file but there will be more mentors and mentees.
Incase of no matches, it can simple state "no match". And in case of multiple matches, it can match with the best possible one


  • Mentees&Mentors - Copy.zip
    245.5 KB · Views: 3
Can You explain, why should there be an Excel-file at all?
... if those mentors and mentees should only see their matches.
... ... or is there need that any mentor or mentee could try to find other match?
Would it be more useful to save there eg PDF-file for that purpose?
Can You explain, why should there be an Excel-file at all?
... if those mentors and mentees should only see their matches.
... ... or is there need that any mentor or mentee could try to find other match?
Would it be more useful to save there eg PDF-file for that purpose?
It is not to see matches but rather to create automatic matches so someone does not have to match a mentor and mentee based on their preferences
There is also a similar thread here in this forum:-
The thread involves use of VBA which I mentioned in my post that I can use because of online Excel version
My opinion is
If many mentors and mentees can match same time then ... there will be challenges to take care results.
... just like in case if there are many cooks
There should be one cook and results could see from menu ( = PDF ).