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Match function/Array


New Member
I am trying to create a simple formula to allow me to create a simple list of high priority items from an input summary page using match/index function with an array (or another function, but my lists are dynamic).
My raw file is quite large but I attached a file that substantially simplifies my issue but I can use an answer to get me to where I need. This looks simple to do but I am missing something.

thanks much


  • chandoo question.xlsx
    8.7 KB · Views: 11

You can use below array formula in F3 and copy down:


Enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Adjust the red range in formula as per your need.
As you mentioned you list is dynamic the red range can be given through dynamic named formula and if your data is huge and this formula performance slow down we can do some macro to extract data also. Just check and advise.
