This post seems to have duplicated when I first posted it up, sorry about that.
I was looking at the burndown chart example given in http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/07/21/burn-down-charts/
I have a table with 6 columns. Week number, Planned finished, Actual finished, Planned balance of tasks, Actual balance of tasks and Weekly complete. When I set this up and all data was enetered manually into the table I could create a chart with no poblems.
Now however I have used formulas to populate the last 3 columns from Planned finished and Actual finished. Now when I go to create a chart the wizard does not give me the same output as when I am using manually entered data. The chart does not reflect what it is I am trying to get from it, any pointers on what it is I am missing would be appreciated.
The formulas used are:
In D9 =IF(ISBLANK(B9),"",D8-B9)
In E9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",E8-C9)
In F9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",C9)
The table with manually entered data looks something like:
Finished Balance of tasks
Week Planned Actual Planned Actual Weekly Complete
0 28 28
1 0 0 28 28 0
2 0 0 28 28 0
3 3 0 25 28 0
4 8 0 17 28 0
5 1 4 16 24 4
6 9 0 7 24 0
7 0 1 7 23 1
If that makes sense in that state.
Thanks in advance.
This post seems to have duplicated when I first posted it up, sorry about that.
I was looking at the burndown chart example given in http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/07/21/burn-down-charts/
I have a table with 6 columns. Week number, Planned finished, Actual finished, Planned balance of tasks, Actual balance of tasks and Weekly complete. When I set this up and all data was enetered manually into the table I could create a chart with no poblems.
Now however I have used formulas to populate the last 3 columns from Planned finished and Actual finished. Now when I go to create a chart the wizard does not give me the same output as when I am using manually entered data. The chart does not reflect what it is I am trying to get from it, any pointers on what it is I am missing would be appreciated.
The formulas used are:
In D9 =IF(ISBLANK(B9),"",D8-B9)
In E9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",E8-C9)
In F9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",C9)
The table with manually entered data looks something like:
Finished Balance of tasks
Week Planned Actual Planned Actual Weekly Complete
0 28 28
1 0 0 28 28 0
2 0 0 28 28 0
3 3 0 25 28 0
4 8 0 17 28 0
5 1 4 16 24 4
6 9 0 7 24 0
7 0 1 7 23 1
If that makes sense in that state.
Thanks in advance.