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Making a chart from a table containing formulas



This post seems to have duplicated when I first posted it up.

I was looking at the burndown chart example given in http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/07/21/burn-down-charts/

I have a table with 6 columns. Week number, Planned finished, Actual finished, Planned balance of tasks, Actual balance of tasks and Weekly complete. When I set this up and all data was enetered manually into the table I could create a chart with no poblems.

Now however I have used formulas to populate the last 3 columns from Planned finished and Actual finished. Now when I go to create a chart the wizard does not give me the same output as when I am using manually entered data. The chart does not reflect what it is I am trying to get from it, any pointers on what it is I am missing would be appreciated.

The formulas used are:

In D9 =IF(ISBLANK(B9),"",D8-B9)

In E9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",E8-C9)

In F9 =IF(ISBLANK(C9),"",C9)

The table with manually entered data looks something like:

Finished Balance of tasks

Week Planned Actual Planned Actual Weekly Complete

0 28 28

1 0 0 28 28 0

2 0 0 28 28 0

3 3 0 25 28 0

4 8 0 17 28 0

5 1 4 16 24 4

6 9 0 7 24 0

7 0 1 7 23 1

Thanks in advance.
Ok got it, I just needed to get a more solid understanding of creating a series. With the formulas in there those needed manipulated where as with manual date it all fell into place without any need for me to input.

I do still have one issue though if anyone can help. Where the actual column has blanks due to the fact the work hasn't been done yet, the line graph still draws. Down to the bottom of the graph when it should stop, any pointers on this?
Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:


Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:

http: // excel lentias .com/2010/05/funcion-excel-nod/

(with no spaces embedded)

Hi, Wulluby!

The difference is related to the real content of the cell, let's say D9.

Even if visually you get no characters, it's only empty if it has neither value nor formula (indeed ""), and Excel graphics everything that's not empty. This is the reason you get different graphics with data entered manually and data formula calculated.

You can give a look at this article:



Sorry I embedded spaces in the link ut-supra, but I couldn't send the post typing the URL as it is actually...

Maybe there is a filter or a constraint... or maybe it's forbidden referencing certain websites too... ;-) ... I don't know.
