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i want to have a refresh button in my excel sheet. when it refreshes the formulas get refreshed which is linked to another sheet. for example Vlookup formula in a sheet and when i press the refresh button, values from another workbook have to be updated.
i want to have a refresh button in my excel sheet. when it refreshes the formulas get refreshed which is linked to another sheet. for example Vlookup formula in a sheet and when i press the refresh button, values from another workbook have to be updated.


actually the formulas are automatically updated and there is no need to refresh

if your formulas are not updated automatically then there is 2 problem

1. Please check the Calculation option in the formula bar is it set to manual or Automatic if it sets to Manual then change it to Automatic

2. did you get in error msg in your file from trust center prohibited if it is yes then follow the steps

a. Click the excel option

b. Select Trust Center

c. Trust Center Settings

d. Select the Trusted Location and give the path of your file

Hope it will solve your Problem

