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Macro to read paragraphs from a large text file and paste them into specific cells


New Member

Please help to make a macro for Excel 2003-2007 which will read the information as a group of paragraphs from a huge text file, like "Sample base.txt", encoded in win1251, delete paragraph marks and spaces at the end and the beginning of each group, replace the remaining CRLF characters with smth like "^ n^", and insert the information into the appropriate cell of column 5 or 6, opposite to the cell identifier. Identifiers have been already inserted into Excel file. If the required information is not available - a line like "Not found" should be inserted.

The information in each group is separated with the text markers, like "-START-" and "-END-".

A short sample of source file and what should be get:


  • Example1.zip
    4 KB · Views: 2