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Macro to mark a cell -> move to next and reset on specific color for each row separately


New Member
Hello everyone, I have nearly 0 experience with macros unfortunately I could really use one of your magical knowledge. Could anyone please help me out with "one button does it all" type of macro ? I am totally lost....

What is required:
The "x" marker would move one cell to the right for each row separately and reset to the original "day 1" cell once reaching the "purple" color ( reset after click while placed on purple )

Where it would be used: As per attachement

We can also discuss some form of appreciaction...


  • Days.xlsx
    16.5 KB · Views: 5


I gotta guess some of Your requires.
Take care that You've those 'x' in B-column
Press [ Do It ]


  • Days.xlsb
    28.9 KB · Views: 3
Oh man, almost there, now I really kinda consider this a magic especially this fast :D
Thank you so much for taking care of me.

Can it work in a way of "one click = one cell move" ? I mean so I does stop after single move and I have to press it again for it to move again one cell ?
Also for the X could it reset back to starting position when It reaches the end for each Value line independently?

So that it works like
First press: Move all X one cell to the right
Second press: Move all X once cell to the right
Eighteen press ( example for Value 1 ): Reset X to 1 and start over. ( all the others that DID not hit Purple would move on to the right by one cell.
WOW you are a true master with excel. Now I understand the title "Excel Ninja" This is exactly what I wanted and would never be able to pull off.
Thank you again very much mister. Hopefully you have recieved my small token of appreciacion aswell yesterday.

I was sure in advance its going to be a piece of cake for you :)
I've still wondered about those white cells ... hmm?
Should those try to take care like this files List2-sheet?
There are some other minor details ... I've tested something.


  • Days.xlsb
    53.1 KB · Views: 2
Ok now we are definitely in a area of "I had no idea what can macros do" :D
This is even better as those "white" start cells have to be there in a form 3days ofset. I just didnt know that start of each line can be in different cullom.
Thank you for the lifecycle counter addition with colours "highlight" as that will help a lot of keeping track of how many cycles it went through without me having to count and remember separately.
This is a lot more than I was even hoping for.
Have seen couple of macros from guys around ( non of them worked for me ) but now looking at the code of yours I understand why :D
Genius !
Exactly what you have done. But maybe one last thing that would make the macro perfect:

Option to place additional "X" markers temporarily.
1) Everything goes in order but all of the sudden I need to measure specific Value 7 line starting from "U" collum
2) So I would put "X" marker there and -> press "Do IT"
3) Everything will move one cell right including that additional "X" = One line would be moving 2 "X" markers in this case because I have added 1.
4) This additional "X" marker will not loop -> it will die out on purple colour and never appear again unless I put additonal "X" again.

Adding the actually file with comments and example of "additional" X


  • Days Example with additional X.xlsb
    45.5 KB · Views: 1
Last edited:
Previous version has some challenges.

List3-sample can mark 'as many x as needed'.
Please test it.


  • Days Example with additional X.xlsb
    60.8 KB · Views: 1
You wanted something
Is it something that You need?
Those could be different ... eg something like out-sheet?


  • Days X.xlsb
    73.1 KB · Views: 1